Oct 3, #2 [Chicago, "25 or 6 to 4"]
So not much has really happened today. I went to English class, we talked
about our next paper and about when it’s due since she’s fallen so far behind
on the sylibus. It’s not due tell next Friday now, giving me another week
to get it done. But I sill have to get at least the rough draft done before
this Friday. I’m going to go work on that here soon. The paper is an anylisis
on three different Ad’s. I’ve got one, but I can’t really find any others
that I want to use. I’m thinking I’ll get like an A&F one and do the
whole gay side of it. That should be amusing. hehe. But yeah, and then she
was talking about the last papers that we wrote and she said that most of
the class got C’s and D’s. I was like, "Shit" I bet I did bad
cause I didn’t think that it was lal that great. But I got it back and I
was looking at it and there were tons of marks all over it and I was like,
"shit, I did suck" but then I got to the last page, and I got
a "B" on it. I was sooooooooo Happy. It was great.
So the RA for the floor just randomly stopped in to my room. I was like,
WTF? But yeah, we talked about shit and like C++ and stuff, he was like,
"Yeah, you’re coming to help me with my C++ tonight." Amusing
times there.