Woot. What a party last night. I’m always so nervous when throwing parties because I am always afraid that people will be bored, or there won’t be enough food or what have you. But last night I think went off great!
Had some great people, lots of fun, etc. Watched some fireworks. Hung out with this guy Victor again. He’s a really nice guy, I’m enjoying hanging out with him, but he seems to be a bit of a whore, or something. I’m not sure what’s up there yet. lol.
Saturday we went climbing at Echo Cliffs. Had a great time there. The hike in was fun, the climbing was great. Only did like 5.9s though. Steve Woo came out! I love that boy. Hiked out, got dinner, came home, and cleaned.
The Bronco comes back next week! How exciting is that! 🙂 I can’t wait.
There hasn’t been much else going on. I hired my full time person, meetings at work, lots of others stuff going on.
HomoClimbtastic comes up in less then 2 weeks! I can’t wait!
Ok. I’m out!
Have you taken Victor for a test drive yet