New Feed

I’ve updated my private post plugin yet again!

The newest feature is an RSS generator.

When I release new posts, it will create an rss feed here. So you can subscribe to those and find out the latest released posts!

Fun times, no?

So go download your favorite RSS reader and subscribe today!

Today’s supposed to be really emotional for me, based on my scope.. And it sure has been so far! Fuckers!

I had a date last night, it was a mess. The guy was like 5’4” and 24, not in college and has been working at Starbucks for the last 5 years. Yeah, not what I’m looking for. He was nice though, perhaps friends will work there.

5 thoughts on “New Feed”

  1. What happens is that when I change a “Private” post to “Publish” in the DB, it generates an RSS feed of the those posts.. So they are “old” posts, but are fresh released to the public.

    IE, the most recent one in the new private-rss feed is from the 1st of this month, but there’s actually 4 more private posts after that which are still “fully” private. Once I update those to public, they will then be avaliable in the private-rss feed.

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