Well, I’m moved into the new place with Derik in Oakland. I new chapter in my life is begining. I am going to be more free, more happy, spend more time doing volunteer work. Etc.
Friday night we went out with Derik, Rav and some of their friends. I don’t know any of them really but it was super fun. We went to Beuax in SF and I got SUPER drunk. Rav and I danced all night, made out and just had a great time. There was some other guy there that kept trying to hit on Rav but he kept coming back to me. 🙂 Got home around 2:30am and just crashed. Woke up the next morning and I went back to Vallejo and just crashed and chilled all day. After Derik got off work we came back to Oakland and moved all his stuff into the new place. Got done around 10;30 and I went back to vallejo.
Woke up Sunday morning and got the uhaul and moved all my stuff. Mark stopped by while we were moving into the new Oakland place and that was amazing to see him. He brought some pastries and helped us move a few things. After he left we just spent the rest of the day putting the apartment together and getting stuff done around here. I’m honestly shocked how quickly it all came together and it looks so cute! We were doe by 6 and then went and got dinner.
Suresh replied to my story on instagram with a “clapping” emoji. I am not sure how to reply to that or even if I should.
I am moving on, I am growing and doing better. I am happier here so far. I am looking forward to hosing dinner parties, board game nights, and just enjoying the new place. I cannot wait for things to come and I sure hope that this is the right thing to do.
I still have so much stuff at the old place and I’m not sure what to do with it, TBH. I am not sure I will own another house for a while, I sort of want to just explore and be free.
A new chapter… Here we go.