So, after almost 20 years of thinking about it. I got my first tattoo… And honestly I’m still a bit nervous about if I did the right thing or not!
It represents all my time in the Boy Scouts, working my way up from Tiger Cub to Eagle and my time in the Order of the Arrow. Without the BSA in my life as a kid/young adult, I wouldn’t be the person I am today. The mountains and tent represent my love for the outdoors and camping. Thanks to Kez at Allied Ink in Vallejo, she made the process so awesome.
This weekend was pretty nice. Wings came over Friday after work as usual and we just went to bed. Saturday we got up and did some work on the bathroom before the tattoo appointment then we went and got that done. It took a LOT longer then I expected but it was great having him there. We made some design changes while we were there and it came out looking way better then I expected. It also hurt a lot more / not near as much as I expected it too. There were some areas that were SUPER painful but for the most part it wasn’t that bad.
Saturday night we just lounged around, made dinner and then went to bed.
Sunday we got up and worked ALL DAY on the bathroom. Had to get the waterproofing done before the tile guy came today.
I still enjoy wings, he’s a nice guy but there are some things that just really piss me off. Like yesterday I gave him the chicken to prepare for dinner, he rubbed his hands all over the chicken then grabbed the pepper grinder and started grinding pepper. UGH. Then the way he chews is so disgusting. And lastly he says shit that really pisses me off sometimes but then when I call him out on it he turns it around on me.