So this past weekend I had a three day 4th date with Wings. He came over Friday after work and we hung out a bit and then went to bed. Saturday we got up and he helped me paint the master bedroom which was a huge help and success… He did a good job. We got done with that about noon and went to get lunch from there we went to the office, picked up one of my trailers, brought it home, fixed it then washed it then returned it. That evening we went to the lantern light festival which was a HUGE let down.
This fucking CHINESE festival didn’t even have any Chinese food!
We went home and rested and went to bed. Sunday we got up, did a nice hike in the hills, went to a farmers market where this gay guy was selling pastries (not very good) then came home and I was going to get my car washed but the place was appointment only! Ugh.
So we did some other errands, came home and just laid around the house. We ended up having sex which was nice but I didn’t cum and he was like “you didn’t like me” ugh.
That gets me to what my biggest problem with him is, he’s SO NEGATIVE about everything. His face, his body, his job, his english, etc etc etc. Negative all the time.
Army! I haven’t talked to him basically since he came back from spring break. He texted me last week while I was on a date with wings saying “I might come out May 6-16”. WTF. OK. I dunno WTF is going on with him.