So last night was Valentines day. I had been talking to this guy for a week now and we decided on Monday to have a date Wednesday, when we decided I didn’t even realize it was Valentines day! haha.
So we decided to meet at this place called Crush in Fairfield. We figured there would be a huge wait, so I got there early and the place was EMPTY. There are only about 5 tables in the whole place so we got one right away. They were having a prix fixe meal for V-day, which I wasn’t expecting and cost $100, so I paid.
The food was really yummy. I’m going to have to go back there again when it’s not prix fixe and see what the other dishes were like.
The guy was super nice, very very cute. He works at a fast food place and is trying to save money to go to college. He likes hiking and outdoors.
After dinner we walked to this mexican ice cream store and got ice cream and just chatted then I walked him back to his car and we made out a bit and said goodnight.
We’re already discussing a second date to go hiking so we will see if that works or not.
Army also got his V-day gift and he seemed happy about it. Though he never said “Thanks” which is a bit annoying. He just said “awwww, daddy got me a present. I’m happy” and then he asked me what my shirt and pants sizes are. Weird. He has been saying “Night daddy” the last couple nights but no phone calls/facetimes… I FaceTimed him the other day on my way home from the gym to tell him a story about this crazy situp guy, but he didn’t seem that interested and said he had to go study so it was very brief.
Yesterday at work we also had a huge Chinese new year lunch. It was SUPER AWK and took like 3 fucking hours! There was SO MUCH FOOD but most of it I didn’t eat cause it was fish.
I hired a new guy yesterday. I emailed HR and asked them to please extend an offer letter. My boss came over to me a few minutes later and was like “We really need to make sure we have group interviews moving forward”. Umm, excuse me? It’s my fucking department. He’s a low level fucking employee, why do we need to have GROUP INTERVIEWS. Let me fucking run/hire my department myself. I fucking hate being micro-managed!
RPF called me yesterday and apparently their new ERP system is delayed YET AGAIN until May. When the new bosses took over they said they would have it in place in 3 months and they kept me on for 6. Now here it is a year and a half later and they aren’t LIVE with it yet! I guess the company they chose to go with just cannot deliver anything they promised. I should have just stayed on with them.