Ugh. I’m sick again. After the HC trip. At least it happened after and not before.
So yes I’ve been traveling a lot. Been in WA, Atalanta, etc. Working in WA is so much more pleasant now that Mary is gone. The new girl is much nicer to work with.
Atl was very interesting. The boss man was like a lost puppy. He made us get up at 7am on Sunday even though the stupid conference didn’t start till 1pm! Ugh. I could have totally slept in that day.
Lots of awesome stuff learned at the conference. Now I just can’t wait to get started actually playing with it all and learning it. I got my boss to approve two classes for me! yay classes! Need to start learning again. I’ve been feeling really stupid lately.
Flew back to LA on Wed and picked up the gang then off to Bishop. Amazing trip in bishop. But kinda lame at the same time. Nothing of real importance happened. ECH was acting weird with his pot eating and drinking. It’s not like him at all and I was kinda bummed by it.
Not much else going on really. My aunt is apparently not doing well with the whole cancer thing so going to spend a day with her when I’m home in May. Looking forward to a trip to canada in July!