Hmm. It’s been a busy busy couple of days….
So this past weekend we went up to Robbers Roost. Robert Jolly was supposed to join us, the guy that had cancelled on me the day of our date that I had tickets too… Surprise! He cancelled on me again. Fucker. THEN he deleted me from facebook… WTF!
I picked up Leigh and this guy Jerel. We drove up there around noon got there by 3 and set stuff up. It was already cold and windy when we got there…. It was gonna get colder and windier.
Everyone was late… Like 2 hours late so we went into town and bought some more wood then back out to wait for everyone. They showed up. Good times, climbed, ate dinner, drank. Had a great time. This guy Jerel was a mess. Drank way to much. Disappeared into no where, passed out in the middle of the desert, etc. And really gay.
Went to bed around midnight. Didn’t sleep worth shit because the wind was blowing 70mph+ and it was raining, etc. Eventually woke up around 6, went out to tear down and the snow line was maybe 100yards away! It was so beautiful. I wish I had had my real camera!
So the drive back was a mess. Leigh fucking SMOKED in my truck after I asked him not too. Then we get to Mojave and he disappears. Come to find out he went to Subway to buy himself breakfast. Excuse me. You’ve got 3 other people who are also fucking hungry and you just run off, holding us all up to go get yourself food and not ask if anyone else wanted food/etc? So I yelled at him and apparently he was all pissed at me after that. Whatever fucking selfish.
Got home and unpacked (threw everything into my living room) and packed real quick for napa. Took a nap then went to the airport.
Had a great evening out with Leo and Tim, back to hotel. Drove to napa with Sylvia. Great times. Had an amazing trip. WEnt to Paloma which was so much fun. The lady was just so informative and cool. It was just Syl and I with a private tasting! I really wish that I had a bf there with me to cuddle and wine taste with.
Got home late yesterday. Called David. Chatted for an hour. Then he went to Jesse’s house at 10:30pm and didn’t get home till after midnight. WTF. Ugh there’s gotta be something more then just friends going on there that he’s not telling me about.
Syl, Leo and I discussed. I need to move on. I’ve said it before. But I really need too. I’m gonna try and not talk to him for a while.
I’m going to Austin to climb for my Birthday. He’ll probably be there….