Dreams about Grandpa

It’s weird how many dreams I’ve been having lately about my grandpa… Last night I had yet another one in which I found a really old bible (from the early ’80s) that was his and was leafing through it and reading all his notes and found the funeral announcement card for one of my cousin’s who had shot him self in the early ’80’s… Very very strange. I think every night this week I’ve had a dream about him…

I’ve also been dreaming about Woo a lot. But those are a little naughtier dreams! lol.

Today I’m headed up to Oxnard for work all day. Should be interesting.

This past weekend was good. I went up to Santa Barb wine tasting with Sylvia. We spent WAY to much money and came back with FOUR cases of wine! I shall be shipping some home to mother for her birthday present.

Sunday was the typical climbing with Jerry. He’s been acting weird lately. We went to Malibu though and it was cold and overcast. But still fun!

I did something else this week I wanted to mention…. Gay roller skating. Lots of fun. Lots of great people, etc. I met some people in person for the first time. lol. Hooked up with a HOT 18 year old last night. That’s always fun. lol.

Damnit. What was it…

Oh well. I’m out to the meeting. later!


I remember what it was.. My aunt has cancer… Again.. 18 years ago to the day, she was told for the first time she had cancer and wouldn’t live past a year… She beat it.. 10 years ago to the day, she was told it was back, she had 6 months… She beat it… Yesterday, she was told again. This time it’s really bad. In her lungs, legs, bones, liver, etc… She can’t take the normal drugs or chemo any more as her heart is too weak. She probably won’t beat this one… :'(

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