Everyone is HELPLESS!

Everyone at my company is HELPLESS! This woman this morning got this massage that says “To Continue you must delete this file. C:\Program Files\…..\file.zup”.. And she called me at 5;30 AM to find out what the problem was! If she had just ASKED the other people around her what to do she could have EASILY solved it herself!

Anyways, meeting last week with GTC vs CIT was great. Got lots done, threw them down, got myself lots of praise and stuff at one point the CEO of the other company said “I feel that if Chris Black had been in charge from the begining we would have gotten a lot more done and we wouldn’t be in this situation now”

So I felt good after that meeting, had the rest of the day at work, friday worked half a day then left to go nap. I got home and between 3 and 4 I got like 10 phone calls IN A ROW. I didn’t answer any of them, they would just call, hang up, call hang up, call hang up. UGH! Drove me nuts. If I don’t ANSWER then fucking leave a message!!!

Saturday we all went out climbing at Stoney point since Jerry was leaving town on Sunday. Had a great time, all the normal people were out there and what not. Leigh and his boyfriend even came! Good time was had by all. Claudia even brought this hot boy Sam out. Damn straight boys! 🙁

Drove home after that and packed up and then drove up to Hollywood to spend the night at Silvia’s house. Had a great time hanging out with everyone up there. Lots of talking and drinking and what not. Went to bed around 11ish and got up at 5:30 the next morning to head to Joshua Tree.

Got out there about 9 and setup everything, did some great climbing, had some great fun, etc etc, Total of 9 people out there which was great! Really was missing Morgan out there that day though! 🙁

Left there about 6pm and drove home, found a car on the freeway that was ENGULFED in flames. It was crazy.. Rex was out there, what a total cutie, we flirted all day, too bad he’s straight! 🙁 Damn these straight boys flirting with me!

Anyways, it was yet ANOTHER epic weekend!!

And on the way home, I got very very sad about being single! I’m so tired of being single! Ugh!

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