Cox SUCKS Cocks!

OMG. I HATE Cox Communications right now. HATE HATE HATE them!

So I cancelled my service last month on the 12th. I get a bill saying that I owe $5 for the pro-rated amount. It clearly said on my bill. “Do not pay, will be auto-debtied”. Just like every other bill that I get from them which is auto-charged to my bank account. So I left it be.

So I go into my account yesterday and Cox fucking took out $87.59 from my account! HELLO, it should have only been $5! So I call them yesterday, and I get a busy signal, I call again, busy signal, I call AGAIN busy signal. So I gave up yesterday.

This Morning I call them. I get through. 10 minutes on hold. And I get this guy. He’s understanding and apologetic and very nice. He explains to me that whoever cancelled my account forgot to cancel the auto-billpay feature, and then says that he has to transfer me to the returns/credit department to get my money back. I say fine, not a problem and he says his thank you and then transfers me… BUSY SIGNAL… Disconnect!

So I call back… 15 minutes on hold this time. I get a woman. I’m a bit annoyed, but I’m still really nice to her (OVERLY nice considering my temper with customer support people). It takes her 4 times to get my SSN correct. Then 3 times to get my address right.. I’m getting annoyed. Finially after putting me on hold twice she seems to have found my account and is looking at it. She says the last guy didn’t put in any information but that she would throughly document the issue this time incase we get disconnected when she transfers me. So I explain it all to her again, she tells me the same thing the last guy did and that she would again have to transfer me to this department. I reminded her that last time someone tried that I was disconnected and that I would not be happy if I got disconnected again. She said, “OK, I will transfer you to a supervisor I promise you won’t get disconnected this time.” I say “Ok.” She says thank you , blah blah….. BUSY SIGNAL!… Disconnect!

Soooo. I call back, this time pretty damn pissed. How hard is it to get a fucking transfer right people!? I go through the auto-prompt system and put in all the information. Wait on hold for nearly 30 minutes this time… And then suddenly …. DIAL TONE. I got disconnected again without even talking to anyone!

Now I’m really pissed.. So I call them again.. 25 minutes later I finailly get a guy again. Give him my information. He asks what the issue is. I tell him to read the ticket, as there should be plenty of information there now. The last lady promised she’d put something in. He says, “I’m sorry sir, but there’s nothing there about you calling previously today”. EXCUSE ME!? Fuckers! So I freaking explain it all to him AGAIN, including the parts where I’ve been disconnected 3 times now. Then he says, “It appears there is already a refund in process. It was started on the 14th and you’ll recieve it within 4 weeks of that date.” WHAT?! WHAT WHAT?! Why could the other 2 people NOT HAVE TOLD ME THAT TO START WITH! It could have taken me 5 fucking minutes on the phone the FIRST TIME. Now it’s been MORE THEN AN HOUR!


So I say that I want to talk to a supervisor. He says, “I’m sorry, but they are all busy at the moment.” EXCUSE ME, what kind of fucking customer service is that!? He promises that one will call me back before COB today. I doubt it.

Fucking COX.

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