Hmm, so what’s going on with Austin….
He’s started on the whole calling me baby and honey thing again. He’s staying over more, and he left me this cute little note today:
thanks for letting me spend the night honey
Last night he spent the night again and I really wanted to just do him. I was so wanting it last night. But I held out. He did end up jacking off early this morning though.
So yeah, plus we were talking in bed last night and he was all, Why are you going on so many dates. And I told him that since he doesn’t want to date me that I’m looking for someone, and want to keep searching. So yeah. Then he talked to me about how he doesn’t want to jump into a relationship and that he’s still too young. Which I’ve heard it all before. I don’t want to force him into a relationship. But I do want one with him. As we all know.
I dunno, maybe I can live with this psuedo boyfriend thing for a while.. Add a little sex in there and it’d be pretty cool. But I feel things would get fucked up.