Well not really much going on as per usual in my life.
I just got back from a job interview at a company called eracks… It was ok. I’m thinking I’m probably not interested in a full time job there, but I mentioned maybe doing something part time and he seemed receptive to that. He also happens to be gay, so we might hang out sometime… Don’t worry andrew, he’s got a boyfriend. 🙂
I was sad because i didn’t get to go to the Perry 4th party, and beak didn’t call me like she said she would.
Well night all.
Happy Brithday Andy (My brother)
I’m sorry-I’m a dodo-it was so hectic that I totally spaced it-if it makes you feel any better I forgot 10 other things that day too…
That’s cool. I spent most of the day sleeping anyways.
sorry, she reminded me and I forgot too. but dwaine is being a butthead and that screwed up the day also