Well, I lied, this week is proving to be just as busy as last week, if not more so.
Last week we just had one 5.1.* release to the stg,trn,prd sites and we had the normal two 6.0.* releases to the QA sites. However this week we have one 5.0.* to stg,trn AND a 5.1.* to stg,trn and then two, maybe three 6.0.* releases to the QA sites. And I think two 5.0-6.0 upgrades to do.
But things are looking up so far this week. We finally finished the demo deploy, which I’m doing right now, plus the build for tonight which had 39 scripts actually deployed to icarbs on the first go (This has only happened 2 twice before, and both those deploys had less then 10 scripts). So that’s pretty much a miracle!
Not too much else going on. I can’t remember if I mentioned it or not, but I dug this HUGE bookcase/entertainment center out of the trash over the weekend. It’s like 6.5′ tall, and a good 6′ wide, plus it weighs a TON! It was already painted black, and it had a can of black paint with it, so I touched up the spots that were scratched up, and then went and bought a really dark red and we’re painting the back panel of each cube red. I’ll take pics of it when it’s done. Only problem is that I have NO IDEA what to fill it up with! So anyone who wants to buy me little nik-naks that’d be great.
This evening I also made some banana cake, which turned out really good. My cousin sent me the reciepe a long time ago and I’ve just never got around to making it. Well tonight Ihad some extra banana’s sitting around that were too brown to eat, so I just turned them into the cake. I also made the frosting but it was a bit too runny. It still tastes good though, and that’s what matters. I brought it into work here so people can eat it, causeI really can’t eat any more bad foods. I HAVE to get into shape.
How many times have I really said that. I keep having this wonderful plan of working out everynight from 10:30-midnight, but it just never seems to work. JonJon’s always bitching cause I’m ditching him, and he’s always making me eat unhealthy food. Gah, I wish I were still in college and had my routine I had then. I was pretty hot. My goal is to get back down to that by August, so I’m hot for Iowa. 🙂
I’m trying to write a script here for work which is causing me a lot of pain. It’s an automation script to go through and make sure everything works. Well, I had it working pretty nicely yesterday. But then I deployed the newest deploy to the site and things are broken. They apparently changed is so that you can’t have punctuation in names now, which is annoying cause I had been using Test_VERSION_NUMBER. So I can’t have the “_” or the “.”‘s that are in the version number now. blah! Also for some reason it’s having problems selecting the PT’s gender, which is a required field for sumbitting. So yes. I must work on those tonight.
It’s the rainy season back in iowa… Thunderstorms, tornado’s, etc. I’m so sad that I’m missing that. Out of all the rain we got here, there was only ONE time that I heard thunder, but saw no lightening. Very annoying.. I LOVE THUNDER! I wish I could do my job from home… And I mean HOME as in Iowa home. 🙁
And on a completely random topic after just complaining about wanting to move back to Iowa, I’m now going to talk about buying a place here… Apparently these Apartments down the street from me are being turned into Condo’s. I’m going to check them out to see what they might be going for and see if I can afford to buy one. I’d really like a place of my own that I can paint/wire/etc without having to get approval from someone, or change it back the way it was when I moved in. Plus, i figure I can do one of those interest only loans since I’ll only be here a short time, they’d be a good option for me.
I’m also very tired, which is annoying because I got enough sleep.
Does anyone know of some good Tech jobs back in Iowa? If so keep me posted.
Laters all.
If the frosting is runny keep adding powdered sugar until it thickens up. Glad you liked it-now I have to make one cuz I’m thinking about it.
We had some lightning and thunder a few days ago. You can’t beat a good thunderstorm. Tim and I both love them.