Well, I’ve got 20 minutes before I start my second job! I’m very nervous… And you know what? There’s no NERVOUS emotion! Grrr. I think I’m going to go steal some from Livejournal or something. Cause this is getting REALLY annoying!
Anyways, I think I’ve got everything ready, and I’m good to go. But I’m just really nervous about starting a new job, as I always am. I’m affraid that I won’t be good at it, etc.
This morning I was so nervous I was sick to my stomach. Hopefully this will go well, 6 hours of training today, and then 4 tomorrow and Tuesday. ::deep breath:: I hope I can do it!
Then after the training, I have to go to a group meeting at 6, and who knows how long that will last!!
Laters all.
why are we (and by we I mean I) in the dark about this new job, Mr Secretive???
Chris…are you a “dancer”? lol
LOL he IS a dancer.
I knew it.. you two timing backstabbing whore. At least let me share in the profits.
*points and giggles*
Well we all knew it was only a matter of time…Chris and his lack of bashfulness and all. lol