So Busy

You know, everyone always seems so busy in their college lives. Between work, school work, classes, etc. No one is ever around…

What am I doing wrong? I go to class/work for 9 hours a day, 8-5. Then I come home and I sit around all night long.

What am I doing wrong? Because everyone else always seems so busy. So busy doing something… What are all you people doing out there? Would someone please fill me in.

Because I’m sick of sitting on my couch watching tv. Hating myself because I have no friends.

Someone come save me, before I just give up totally.

2 thoughts on “So Busy”

  1. Homework. Unfortunately, most of it doesn’t get done between 8 am and 5 pm. For me at least, I think it has to do with the fact that I’m in a mathematical science. Also, there’s study groups which have to float around other people’s schedules, etc. Don’t worry, you’re not missing out on anything cool; unless you think that deterministic finite automata and their proofs are cool (they are! lol)

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