Well, the last couple days have been pretty damn busy.
Tuesday I had class, nothing really went on there. The class itself is going to teach me a lot I think. But the professor is pretty boring. Not his fault, he does try and make it interesting. But it’s just not one of those classes that can be interesting. Today was very hard because I was so tired from Wed. But I think I should do pretty good in the class overall. It’s mostly logical stuff.
After class I went to work. I had a TON of stuff to do that day and got most of it done. I have decided that Eudora is a poorly coded piece of crap. It caused many headaches that day.
To relieve the stress, and get a break from Eudora, I called Andrew while he was on his lunch break. We talked for a bit and it was nice. He asked me if I was coming down for the night, and I told him that I’d think about it.
The rest of the day at work was very busy. And I kept debating with myself as to if I wanted to miss class or not. I decided that it was worth one day, and since it’s so early in the year it wouldn’t matter really. So at 4:45 I rode my bike home, quickly threw some stuff into a backpack and then headed off to Andrew’s house. I met up with him at 5:40 or so.
We spent the rest of the night playing around with his computer. I showed him Opera, which is fun and fixed a few other things for him. After that we went to Family Video (2 DVD’s for $1.30, how can you pass that up!) and got The Matrix and Frita. Andrew let me watch The Matrix first, which was nice of him because I know he doesn’t like the movie. I throughtly enjoyed it though can can’t wait to go see Reloaded. After the movie, it was late, so we went to bed.
Wed moring we got up and I showered. After that we hung around the house for a couple hours. We made biscuits which is fun because they’re so GOOD! In fact, I want some more right now! And it was so cute cause we made them together. Why are we such a cute couple, I just don’t know. 😛 Anyways, after we made biscuits we watched Jerry Springer, such a crazy show. I won’t get into it!
After that he had to leave to go to a work function, so I just sat around his house playing video games and doing other random stuff. He got back about 1ish and we called Jenny (who didn’t answer her phones!!!) And Ginny (who did answer). Ginny came over about 2 and we went out Goodwilling. That was alright, but there wasn’t ANYTHING cute. So we went to teh DAV on E. University. Andrew found a cute yellow shirt, but gave it to me and then I bought a muffin tin, so now I can make my muffins! Good times.
We broke about 4ish cause Andrew and I had to meet my mom. We drove downtown to her office, which is way cool. And worked on flight info and also found a hotel for the trip to MCI. We’re going to be gone for 2 nights, and it’ll only cost us $30 each for the hotel. So I’m hoping to keep the costs to below $100 for this trip. Maybe $150. We’ve also decided that we are NOT going to eat out unless we have to! In other words, we should make a trip to Sams Club sometime. lol.
We got done with that about 6ish and then went out to supper with my mom. That was uber good. We went to a place called Centro (pronounced Chen’-tro). They had REALLY great Italian food. I don’t remember what it was that I got, but it was so good. Andrew said that his was really good too! We also got a peice of chocolate cake, it was wonderfull! Andrew and I are going to go back and get a pizza or something some time. They were only like $12 for a large one and they looked so good! Our meal was a bit more then that… Good thing my mom paid! (Thanks MOM!)
After that we broke and Andrew and I drove back to his house. We spent the night laying in his bed talking about him moving to Cali. It was very sad and we were both crying for most of it. He’s scared about moving out there, and I feel so helpless. All I can do is tell him that everything’s going to be fine, and to hold him. But I just know that he’ll do fine out there, he’s a strong guy, and he’ll have tons of great new friends!
It’s very sad to think about because 2 months from today, he’ll be moving into his dorm room. And after that it’ll be 4 months before we get to see each other again. These last 4 months seem to have just flown by, but I’m sure that those 4 months will just crawl.
I left about 10:30 and drove home. I was so annoyed though by the time I got there because once I got onto I-35 north, I got RIGHT behind a state trooper going exactly 55 in the construction zone (With a speed limit of 55) and then once it went back up to 65 he went exactly 65. I had to follow him all the way from the east mix-master to AMES! I was SO pissed at him. Fucking stupid cops.
I got home, threw my stuff down and went to check websites/etc.
I ended up going to bed that night, alternating between crying, and being ferious.
And, after much debate on my part last night, I think it’s time…