So Proud

So this weekend has been very emotional for me. It seems even more for me than for Andrew, but I’m sure that’s not right. lol.

Anyways, only a few things I wanted to privatly update about. The first being saturday night after the hot tub, I got the best rimmy I’ve ever had… And probably the best anything ever! OMG, I was fucking in heaven. Now, if only we weren’t at my PU’s house, I would have been screaming down the walls! lol.

Sunday was very emotional for me. I was so proud of Andrew for graduating, and to see him walk across that stage. There were a few times where I started to tear up a bit. Now though it’s so sad because, as I’ve said before, it only means that he’s leaveing so much sooner now. It seems like it’s just a couple days away before he leaves.

Last night was so great though getting to spend the night with him. Also I gave him a rimmy! Fun times. 😀 I slept so well last night though with him there in bed. It’s so amazing how well we can sleep together. With Adam, we each had to have our own pillow, and we usually slept with our backs to each other. With Andrew we actually share a pillow and are embraced all night long, and usually I sleep well at, I sure hope that he does too!

And the last thing that I really wanted to cover here was the fact that I can’t for the life of me remmeber most of his friends names. Now I know I’ve always been bad with it, but it just really upsets me that even though I try so hard, I can’t remember their names. I feel so bad about it. I’m slowly getting it all, and now I can atleast recognize them when i see them out. But names are just bad for me.

Pics from the weekend are here

Anyways, I’m out!

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