Friday = Fantasticly Fantastic;
Saturday = Amazingly Amazing;
Sunday = Boringly Boring.
So this weekend’s been great…
Today on the other hand has been SO boring. I went to bed at like 2 this morning, after too very long and late nights, I awoke this morning to Andy bangning on my door at 7AM. I was like. “YOU MOTHER FUCKER GO BACK TO BED!” We didn’t have to leave until 9:30, so I could have spelt tell 9. But NO, someone HAD to do the fucking easter thing at 7AM! Grrr.
I hate holidays in which small (Note the word SMALL) children go and run around the house getting things. IE, Easter, and Christmas.
Anyways, finally got up at 8:30 because Andy wouldn’t fucking leave me ALONE!
Went to G&G’s alright time there, lots of fucking food. FAR to much. I’m going to be 3,000 pounds by next weekend.
I drove home. I HATE driving with my mom…. I’ll be “following” a car (You could have fit THREE fucking semi’s between me and the car infront of me) and she’s like “SLOW DOWN, You’re pretty close to them.” So annoying.
Anyways, I have to go now because SOMEONE is pestering me to write something else… Laters!