So yeah, this weekend has been alright. I went home Friday night and hung out, hot tub, etc. I didn’t want to go out cause I thought that I had to get up early to go to the PU’s anniversary thing. So I went to bed early and got up early… Got all cute and shit and then came downstairs to find the rest of the family….
PAINTING THE CIELING??? I was so confused… I know that someone told me that thing was on Saturday. Once I get time, I’m going to go look and find out who it was. Cause it WASN’T saturday, it was SUNDAY. Rarr!
So I spent Saturday sitting around my house doing ABOSLUTELY NOTHING! It was so boring and shit. I went downtown about 7ish and ran into James, who I haven’t seen in like forever! So we talke for a while, but he was on his way to Homecoming. So he went off with girl. After that I walked around tell like 9, when no one was there, I went home.
As soon as I got in the door, Andrew called and said he was at Jester and wanted to hang out. I said only if he drove, so he came over and picked me up and we went downtown. I was kinda hoping there wouldn’t be many people there so we could talk about things, but like EVERYONE was there… It was very good to see everyone again. It’s been soooo boring with out them. Mike had apparently walked to Java Joe’s from his house (go read his site for his rantings about there). Poor him. But had he given me a call, I would have GLADLY gone over and picked him up. Cause at the time that he left, I was sitting around my house SO VERY Board!
Anyways, we hung out and it was fun times. Andrew and I left about ten tell midnight, and took Mike home. We got back to my house about 12:30 and Andrew had 30 minutes to get home before his curfew, so I gave him directions to get there the fast way, instead of going to back to Johnston and then to his house, which if he hadn’t got lost would have got him home about 5 minutes before 1.. So he went off and I was like, I should stay up to make sure he doesn’t get lost. Cause I know how hard it is to get to DM going that way… And of course, about 10 to 1 he called, Lost as hell! He had followed the directions, but missed his corner, so he went on to the next corner which took him to the same spot that he would have come out had he taken the previous corner. But instead of turning left to go east to DM, he turned West… Cause he didn’t realize what side of DM he was on…. Anyways, when he called me he was at the Boone exit… Totally out of the way. I told him to turn around and he did.. And apparently he made it home in time… I hope he’s not in very much trouble.. Cause that would suck!!
Anyways. Today was that family thing and it was amusing. Umm, then I came home and did HW and now it’s late, so I’m going to go do other stuff to releive some pressure… Laters!
relieve some pressure eh? (oh by the way, you spelled relieve wrong 🙂 ) i know all about relieving pressure LOL if you know what i mean. oh i crack myself up. have a good day!
just to let you know, i was hoping there wouldnt be a million people there either. well talk soon, i promise!