So yesterday Adam and I were at the mall and Marices has their prom dresses out already, and Adam was like, “I’m kind of worried about prom, I don’t know what’s going to happen.” And I asked him what he thought might happen, cause I was lost and he said, “I’m afraid what will happen to us, like I hope we don’t get beat in the parking lot.” Ok so those weren’t his exact words, but it’s the same thing. But yeah, it was wierd cause I was like, “Oh am I going to prom?!?!” Cause as far as I knew he hadn’t invited me to go, and last time we talked about it he said he was going to ask a girl to go with him. I didn’t actually ask him if I was invited, and he’s yet to specifically say that I’m going. But whatever. I’m sure that in time, it’ll come out as to weather I’m going or not.