june 15, well today’s been a long day, it’s 2 am and i’m just getting back
from xak’s. well i guess i should start from this morning right? well it rained
all day, but this was a cool rain, it didn’t ruin anything, so yeah that was
cool. class went fine today, there was this lil cutie in there named nic.
he’s cute as in cute if he were 8 years older i’d date him, lol. but yeah.
today was just great all around, we had our first eagle bound olympics too,
it was the first evening program to not flop, so i was really happy about
that. it went well, after that we had a meeting about me and my pal weekends
which starts this weekend. so i had to go to that, it got out about 10:30
or so, so i left then since my day off started at 10 and goes tell 10 today
i guess it is. then i got home and got on of course so i talked to xak and
ended up going to his house, that was all cool. well i’m going to bed i have
a TON to get done tomorrow, laters all. oh before i go, someone sent me one
of those damn crushlink.com things, it’s quite annoying, so if you know who
that might be just fucking e-mail me and tell me, PLEASE.