may 28, #3 [fuel, "easy"] well i’ll tell you work sures as hell
wasn’t easy. we got out of the cpr and shit we were going to do today cause
it was raining and he wanted to do rainy day plans since we were all in that
mood. so we did that and also went through and every gave parts of thier speach,
god stadd can be so damn annoying, i had four people criticing me, and they
were so damn annoying, our jobs when we watch are to be the most annoying
as we can be, and damn do we doo a good job of that. lol. like was giving
a demonstration and i was tying a knot and one of the other staff members
was like, ‘well that knot won’t hold anythihng’ cause it’s a timber hitch
and just looking at it you would think that it couldn’t hold shit [bon jovi,
"you give love a bad name’] so i was like, well come test it, so he grabbed
the end that had the stick on it and i grabbed the rope end and we started
pulling, well since i didn’t have a stick to hold on to i wraped the rope
around my hand, like most people would do (i also had my back to a table,
not a good idea). but then one of the other staff memebers comes up and grabs
the extra rope that was behind me and pulls on it as hard as he can and it
just crushed my hand, i can’t hardly move my thumb, so if i’m missing any
spaces or anything that’s why. lol, but after i got my hand undone, they grabbed
the rope and pinned me up against the table and then down onto the top of
the table. once they let me up they were like, "never let a scout test
your knots if you’re going to do something like that have another adult hold
the other end of it" yeah, good lesson. eh. lol. i also found out that
i’m moving in on june 1, that’s this friday. [tonic, "mountian"]
yucky, i wasn’t expecting to have to move in tell the friday after this, but
he was like, hey can you move in early and help finish the ampitheater, cause
right now it’s ripped apart, they took all the steps and seats out cause it
was a major saftey hazard and they are redoing it, but because of all the
rain they are running WAY behind schedule, and that’s the only places besides
the dinning hall that you can hold all the scouts. so it has to be done before
camp starts. oh i also got my tenting assingment today, i’m tenting with (shit
i can’t think of his name, it starts with a "B") but he’s really
cute. lol. ben wasn’t there today either, that sucked, i was looking forward
to seeing him, but allen was there today too, and the lakefront director was
walking around in his swimsuit, so that was nice 🙂 he’s damn fucking hot.
lol. i think it should be a pretty good summer. i sure hope it’s oging to
be. well i’m going to go take a shower now cause i was eaten alive by bugs
and it’s killing me. they were mowing today so all the mosquitos and then
knats (sp?) were all out. i’m going to go through alot of bug spray this summer.