Dec 14. my god i’m keeping this updated quite well i’m happy
for myself, hehe. well hey todays been pretty cool. i got a job offer to work
at out of council camps, but the best part is that one of the councils is
the cradle of liberity council in philly. that would be soo cool. but yeah
i don;t know if i want to do that though, it would be kinda odd working out
there at a scout camp i think, but it would be fun, i’be been wanting to work
out of council this summer. huh. i don’t know what i’ll do, well see what
the info they send me says. but yeah other then that today has been pretty
boring like normal. yeah. all that shit. nothings going on rounf here, i need
to go get a job for next semester too yeah. well i’m done for now. i yeah,
quite hours are 24/7 over finals week that’s going to suck.