Sept 20, 2001

Sept 20, [Tool, "Relfection"]

RARR would be the best way to describe what I’m feeling right now. I dunno.

Sometimes the smallest things bother me. Not just bother me, but bother

me a LOT. Like when my friends go out and do things that I can’t be included

in. I know it’s not thier fault, I know that they want me to come, or do

whatever it is they’re doing, I know because they ask. (We’re going to assume

that people ask cause they want you there, just for the purpose of this

ranting). But I can’t be there, wether it be because of work, or school,

or distance, or something else. And my not being able to be there annoys

me. Really annoys me. I don’t know why either. I know that everyone else

has a life. I know that everyone else does thnigs that I won’t ever know

about. But if I know they’re doing something, that would invole me normally.

It bothers the hell out of me. Really really does. And that’s why when I

know about these things, I’m like, details, I want details about what happend.

I want to know everything, so I can feel as though I was there, or so I

can feel as though I was included. I guess that’s the best way to describe

it. It’s crazyness, I know. But it really does hurt me.

Sept 19, 2001 #2

Sept 19, #2 [Incubus, "Stellar"]

So my dad just called me and said that he had called Dewy Ford about my

car cause that’s where we took it originally to see what the problem was.

They’re the ones that said it would cost between $1,000 and $3,000 to fix

it. Well he bitched them out and they’re sending me a refund check in the

mail. Hehe. I’m so happy.

Also I just got done taking the practice exam for my Econ test that’s tomorrow

and there was this one question that said: Holding all else constant, if

butter and margarine are substitute goods, then as the price of butter rises:

A. the demand for margarine will fall

B. the quantity of butter demanded will fall

C. the demand for butter will fall

D. the demand for butter will rise

The answer is either B or C. Because they both say the same thing. I hope

he doesn’t pull a question like this on the test. I’ll be mad if he does.

Sept 19, 2001

Sept 19, [Wallflowers, "One Headlight"]

FANBOYS. Hehe. I want some fanboys.

Today’s been today so far. I dunno. Bored, Tired, I want to be home, not

here. Engl was boring today, she went off on some tangent about Claim and

Warrent and something else. I don’t remember now. Then I went to get my

parking permit updated. But I was like, I have a job, I don’t want to have

to go all the way to the Stadium everytime I have to go to work. So I got

this thing to fill out. Grrr. I hope I get parking around here somewhere

good. Then I wen to Soc. It was boring, but today there were a lot of hot

guys around. That kept me entertained. We have a test in like a week. I

should read the book. I was going to start that, but then I got sidetracked

with things, like updating my website. So here I am updating me website

with this lame ass update.

Fucking A. My speakers keep going in and out. Grrr. There’s a loose wire

somewhere, but I can’t seem to find it. I’ve checked every wire and FUCK.


Angie called yesterday, or so I’m told. I wasn’t here when she called.

So I called her back, but she didn’t answer. Oh well. Maybe this weekend.