So this past weekend I had 3 dates in 3 days.
Friday I met this guy in Vacaville and we had a nice dinner. He was cool, very into outdoors but he smokes. Has a dog as well. I could see us hanging out and camping but nothing more.
Saturday I had a date with this Thai guy, who apparently is leaving the country in a few weeks anyway, so no reason to get too into him.
Sunday I met another guy and it was blah. Strike three!
Did a nice hike with Astra Sunday morning and that was fun.
There’s a lot of drama going on at work. New ORG structure and people don’t report to who they should, no one replies to anything. It’s a fucking mess.
I’ve been using some of the techniques from the Attached book on Army and they seem to be working a bit. We chatted last night about some stuff and also a few days ago. But for the most part I’m just sort of letting it simmer on the back burner and see what happens. He let me know last night that he’s coming on the 31st of May instead of the 28th and then leaving June 20th. This is sad because I had stuff planned for Memorial day week but since he’s not coming on Memorial day now all that is scrap. 🙁 He claims he’s hanging out with his grandma which actually means he’s getting drunk with his cousins in Lincoln.
Sunday I went to a tattoo shop in Berkely. I’m ready to get my first one but the guy was kind of a dick. He kept telling me my idea wasn’t right and blah blah blah and that I needed to do more research. So whatever. I’m going to stop at a different place in Sacramento today.
Last night at the gym there was this hot asian guy. I saw him talking to this latino guy. I got on grindr and the latino guy was on there for “Right now”. His pic was like 10 years old cause in person he was much older, fatter, uglier. The asain guy was pretty cute. Nothing like Gym Husband but decent. I messaged latin guy “Are you at 24hr with the cute asain guy?” He replied “Yep, that’s my fiance”. Ugh. Why can these ugly latin cheaters get cute asain guys! I mean the guy was fucking ON GRINDR WHILE HE WAS WITH HIS FIANCE!?!?