It’s been a stressful couple weeks to be honest with you.
Thankfully Sophia has been in the office all this week to deal with stuff.
Aaron’s passing is just still such a shock and so annoying because there’s so much I still want to call him and just chat with him on a day-to-day basis. Ugh.
Other things have been going ok. This past weekend we went climbing out at devil’s punchbowl. It was pouring rain here in LA and it was beautiful and sunny out there. Amazing. This weekend we’re headed to Riverside and Stoney point! Should be fun!
Things with ECH are going great. There have been a few annoyances lately but nothing major. The biggest thing is this damn poker thing. I just have to get over that he will do that. What annoys me most is that when you ask him about something he just give short answers about how/what happened and then he goes back to facebooking or video gaming. Sometimes I feel like he’s dating facebook and my phone instead of me.
The apartment is looking really good. Got lots of new furniture. Still have to decorate some stuff but other then that it’s ready for a party!