So.. I’m trying to change my passwords today….
So I go to my bank’s website…
Enter in my new password.. 16 chars, using numbers, symbols, etc. And press submit.
ERROR: Password too long!
My fucking bank limits your password to 12 char! WTF? This is supposed to be a bank, you should allow people to have secure passwords!
Then I go to my credit cards website….
Enter in the new password for them, different password, different symbols, etc.
ERROR: Password too long!
THEY fucking limit you to 10 chars! WTF? Common people!
I’m calling them to complain.
vanio114: can i suck your cock
MiklAustin: oh lord
MiklAustin: no
vanio114: haha
MiklAustin: you know
MiklAustin: i’d be very respectful of your come ons if we had infact met at least once
vanio114: you never wanna meet
vanio114: !
vanio114: let’s meet
MiklAustin: but the anonomity of this relationship really makes you come off as creepy internet slut
MiklAustin: who will blow anything
vanio114: lol
MiklAustin: just clearing the air!
Haha, you know you invited him over afterwards! 😛
That’s dirty though, damn boys! Who was that?