Gah! Damn cat. She’s still throwing up, FYI. About once a day. So I took her back to the Vet… And another $100 later, he says. “I think she’s developed an alergy to her food.” So I had to get her special food to see if that helps. She throws up about once a day though, right about 5-6am. It’s very annoying. But now she’s throwing up ALOT. Like all the food she’s eaten in the last day. She also has REALLY bad gas and she poops a lot.
I’m cleaning hard core today. It’s been a long time since I’ve done that, my apartment really needs it. Blah.
Programs will not defeat me! I spend 7 hours friday trying to figure out how to get a tab places in the right place. It was very annoying. But that’s what happens when you have ot modify someone else’s VERY large program, of which you know nothing about and you don’t even know the programming language it’s written in! Needless to say I was VERy excited when I got it placed. lol
And that’s about all my life is consisting of. Beak has found TONS of cool information from our family. Even traced one side back to the 1100’s in England and one of the most haunted places (Roos Hall) in England! How fun! Also apparently King Charles gave someone in our family a castle (Bettreds Castle)! Now the question is what the fuck happened to it?! I want to live in a castle! lol. I found lots of references to it based on family trees and shit, but no pictures or anything. 🙁 Oh well.
How are you guys going about this family tree search?
I dunno, beak will have to answer that question!
She just keeps feeding me tidbits of info, such as this:
“Great Grandpa Spring’s gradparents immigrated from Switzerland by boat around 1883-1884. Their youngest son Arnold Jr. was a baby when they came over and got chicken pox or measles while he was on the ship. They wanted his parents to throw him overboard because it was so contagious. His parents wouldn’t do it but they were to stay in their cabin the rest of the way to America.”
Well thats interesting.
How are you going about tracing family roots & what have you?
Who or what the hell is Beak?
So, you ain’t doin’ the research yourself then?
Lazy bastard
Beak is my cousin. I’d do the research, but she seems to be spear heading it.