Back from Palm Springs and New Years happened.
Palm Springs was ok. Christmas was tons of fun. We had Mom, Dad, Andy, Jim, Deb, Sean, Hut, Mike & Nathan over. It was a nice group. Although dad doesn’t use salt at all any more and his food is bland. I was so happy that it turned out the way it did and I got to celebrate with friends and family. I’m hoping we can continue on such a tradition!
Other than that, not much happened there. My brother is so overweight and out of shape that he can’t do anything. We tried doing some SHORT FLAT hikes and he couldn’t even do those. We tried to convince him to not even go on the boat trip but he said he wanted too. We’ll see how that goes.
While there I spent hours on the phone every night with Kellie, which was nice. We talk about everything and I love how clear he is, how open he is, I love how he asks me about everything. It’s been so refreshing. He IS very sensitive about things though which we need to navigate somehow.
Decided that I do not want to go to Austin with the group. It sucks because it will be a fun trip, sounds like a lot of nice stuff planned and I hate that I’m going to miss out on the connection with Jay & James more as friends. But overall I think it’s the right decision to still give Charles and I space and time. I spoke directly to Charles about it and hopefully he understands the decision.
Drove home from PS straight to Kellie’s place, spent the night there which was great, Sunday we came up to my place, hung out and then went to the city for NYE. Originally the plan was to go to Powerhouse but my friends invited us to their place to watch the fireworks. So we went there and had a great time. There was one point where Kellie felt that I was “ignoring” him because Andrew and I were talking about work stuff so he went to the couch and pouted a bit. I talked to him and I think he’s fine now. Kinda a red flag TBH.
On the drive home from NYE he drunkly told me he loved me, which is way too soon. On Monday though we talked about it and he admitted it was too soon and just said it because he was tired of saying “I really like you”.
Like I said, I love how he talks about emotional things, he plans stuff out, etc. It’s easy to talk to him about what’s going on, how we feel, etc. He’s very smart which is great.
Monday evening we went out to KBBQ with Ace. After we went to boba and Kellie mentioned Club Fugazi which I’ve been wanting to go to for a while but Charles could never commit to it or seemed interested in it. When Kellie mentioned it, I said “oh, I’ve been wanting to go”. He bought us tickets right away! That right there is a HUGE thing for me.
We’re back to this weird dating transition period. Honestly, I don’t even want to hookup with other people or even go on more dates with people. Just want to see where this takes me. AT this moment, we got to celebrate brining in 2024 together and I’m hoping we can celebrate ending 2024 together.
Mom texted today that Grandma Sibbel is going down hill. Her vitals are dropping and she’s very confused. Says she saw grandpa in her room.