Army Approaches

Army arrives Friday. I’m excited but also super nervous. I’ve got pretty much the whole weekend planned out. I just hope he will enjoy what I have planned. Who knows with him.

We were texting yesterday and he asked if we could go to the bathhouse. The only day that it would work is Friday night which is Cumunion. I’ve always wanted to go to that here, but I don’t really want to go with HIM! I would be so jealous if he hooked up with someone else. He always says “I’m such an angel” which IMHO means he’s a big fucking whore. So who knows.

Friday he lands at noon, we’re going to get lunch then back to my place, grocery shop and hang out. Then that evening I had planned to just get dinner in Benicia and hang out. Saturday we have a full day planned in SF including an Alcatraz tour. Sunday I had planned to take him to Point Reyes, wine tasting then back home for the evening. I’m not sure what he will do Monday and Tuesday. He said “I’ll call my friends”. What friends does he have in this area! I’m falling back into the space I was earlier this year. 🙁

I sort of miss Wings. I miss just hanging out on the weekend, not having to worry about if he will be happy what we’re doing. I miss going to the gym with him. But then I remember the things he did that were super annoying. Like never saying Please and Thanks. Eating with his mouth WIDE OPEN, etc.

Work is work. Nothing exciting. I hate it. I’ve been interviewing for this NAV Implementor job but they only want to offer $110k. Which is WAY TOO LOW. I already took a huge pay cut to come to VFF. I cannot do another pay cut.

I’ll update you after Army leaves. Adios!

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