1 Person, 3 Computers

We hired a new girl a week ago. I got email from CEO requesting a “computer”. So we setup a normal desktop PC for her. I was up in Yuba last Tuesday and she requested a laptop. I ordered her a laptop. We have standards for these things. We have a standard desktop setup, we have a standard laptop setup. (15″, 4lbs)

On Friday the CEO was up in Yuba and started sending these emails about how he expects to have things ready on day 1 blah blah blah. I replied back that we DID have them ready, as he requested. UGH the new girl then emailed me basically saying “I expect to have my new laptop by Monday”. So Monday she comes, I give her the new laptop, she leaves my office. Then 10 minutes later I get email saying “this laptop is unacceptable, I need something that I can travel with”. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! It’s a laptop, you can travel with it. So she then checks in with me later in the day and asks “Did you order my laptop yet?”. I told her that I am waiting on approval since we’ve already spend $3,500 on new computers for her.

That evening I got an email from her again. “I’ll be back in the office on Wed and I need my new laptop ready when I get there”. STFU… Shit like that really pisses me off and people talking down to me like that is unacceptable. Just makes me not want to do anything around here TBH.

This past weekend I had a date with this cute tattooed asian guy (Wings). Dinner and a movie turned into a sleep over. It was fun and we’re hanging out again tonight for a gym date. He’s a nice guy and I enjoy talking to him. He loves astra already. We will see what happens. We went to Texas Roadhouse, that place was PACKED. I do not understand how it’s always so packed at that place. 1.5 hour wait for dinner. I should find out if that’s a franchise, maybe I should start one up!

Haven’t heard from Army in a week… whatever. Like I said, he’s just simmering and he can contact me when he wants. But I’m so turned off by his attitude. I need someone who’s going to give me attention, say nice things, be excited to talk to me, be happy to just hang out and watch movies, someone who wants to know and hear about how my day goes.. And most importantly, someone who’s supportive and says positive things.

I am so not an office working employee. I wish I had found a job in a more hands on field, something out and about.. I see no benefit to this job, no enjoyment, no final produceable product you can feel good about and the fact that the ONE BIG PROJECT i was hired on to do keeps getting pushed farther and farther out… It’s super annoying.

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