Last Hour…

Here we are in the last hour of my employment with WR. It’s very sad, seriously.

This company has been amazing to me. Sure they have promised me things and then not delivered… But ya know what, it’s still be great working here.

I started on the Help Desk, worked my ass off for a year doing that from Midnight to 8am. At the same time, I took over the build/deploy process and became another member of the SA team while still covering my duties for the HD. At last, I was moved over to daytime and took up full time residence as a SysAdmin, helping with all the functions that they needed and learning so much. I was moved after that to Client Engineer, and asked to move to Santa Monica. That didn’t last more then a month before funding was cut for my job. But they kept me on as I worked on tons of small projects that keeps the company running from day to day. And that’s basically what I’ve been doing for the last 2 years.

Programming all kinds of small projects, working with the SAs, network guy, DBA, the engineers and whoever else needs help. Being an all round do everything guy.

I’ve learned alot from this company, had a great time working here and met some great people. I’m really going to miss it, but it’s time to move on to other things. Hopefully this next company will be just as great as this one.

Thanks all!

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