What a weekend!
The group (Me, Constantine, Eric, Mok, Robert, Bill, Nina, Sirin) gathered up Friday afternoon and we headed out to San Simeon State Park. There were some issues getting the truck all loaded up. Mainly we had WAY too much shit to pack into a tiny ass SUV. Thankfully Bill brought a big ass van along! So the two trucks got us and all our shit there and back.
Getting out of town is no easy task on a Friday afternoon. We rolled out of my place at 2:30. We rolled into the camp site a full 7 hours later…. Now you’re probably asking yourself, well how far away is San Simeon? It’s a mere 250 miles. It was a parking lot all the way from here to Santa Barbara basically! Horrible! And of course I was driving and you all know how much I hate traffic!
Once we got there we got everything unloaded and I cooked the Marlboro Man’s Favorite Sandwich for dinner. Everyone seemed to really like it. After that everyone had some drinks. I went to bed, everyone else stayed up and got drunk.
Saturday morning I got up early and started breakfast, cinnamon French toast! It was delicious! After breakfast we all gathered up and headed out to Hearst Castle. That place was just amazing. If you haven’t been there you have to go! I really want to go back now and do the rest of the tours, especially the twilight tour! It’s just crazy that one guy would spend so much money building this huge castle in the middle of no where with so much art and stuff.
From there we headed back to the campsite, ate lunch and then hit up the beach. The beach was SOOOOOOO relaxing. It was just our group there and the boys were playing football and running around on the beach, some of us laid on the beach and tanned and talked and read. We stayed till 4:30 or 5 and then headed back to the camp site.
That night we made Build-Your-Own Chicken for dinner. It was amazing to say the least. We also got very very drunk!
Sunday morning I woke up about 7, but laid in bed till 8. Got up and what a MESS there was outside. Damn drunk campers! Constantine and I cleaned that up and then started breakfast and camp tear down. The smell of coffee woke everyone else up and they cooked their baggy eggs. We got camp torn down and then headed home. Traffic YET AGAIN! It took another 6 hours to make the 250 mile trek home. Ugh!
The total came out to $100/person. Which is both cheap and expensive I think. The big factors though were gas at $238 and Hearst Castle which cost $200, food was $200 and the truck rental $125.
Over all the trip was a HUGE success. I am going to try and plan another one for mid-August, although that might be too soon. We’ll see. Perhaps it’ll be a mini-trip.
San Simeon State Park and Heast Castle Pictures
In other news, I found this great story before we left…Fit Nation: The Obesity Fight.