Dugg Widget!

Ok. I’ve had some requests for my digg widget. So here it is.

Basically all it does it take the Javascript from the digg website to display your past 10 dugg stories and make it a widget. Maybe if I get some more time soon I will add more options so that you can have all the features that they allow.

Installation is easy:

  • Upload digg.php to your ‘wordpress/wp-content/plugins’
  • enable the plugin in your admin section
  • add it to your sidebar via the “presentation” tab
  • click the options box and put in your username

That’s it you’re done!

Happy coding!

18 thoughts on “Dugg Widget!”

  1. Hi joe. Thanks, right now it only works with the “Stories dugg by user %USER%”

    I plan on adding the other features from the add-digg page soon.

  2. When I click on Download.. it pulls up a Text file. Id love to give this plug in a shot, please fix the link

  3. Hi, the link is correct. You need to right click and select “Save As…” and name it digg.php.


    Cj B

  4. OK then the problem is that I am on a MAC, normally it downloads per usual but its still giving a Text file. Ill try it on a PC, thanks1

  5. Hi there. I am on a mac as well. All you need to do is RIGHT CLICK and select “Save Link As…” and name it digg.php.


  6. Hi… I’m getting a strange error when I call the widget on my dynamic sidebar… it goes as follows:

    Warning: Missing argument 1 for widget_digg() in /blog/wp-content/plugins/digg.php on line 40

    Warning: extract() [function.extract]: First argument should be an array in /blog/wp-content/plugins/digg.php on line 41

    You have any clue why this is? >

  7. I set a different theme so I could edit the username and title… then went back to my HemingwayEx theme, and kept giving the same errors. 🙁

    I’ve trawled the code in the specified lines, but to no avail… so at the moment I’m using Digg’s own javascript. >

  8. I was able to tweak the plugin to display only 5 stories on my sidebar. Simply change the number “3” at the end of this line:


    …to a “1”. And voila! 5 stories. YMMV.

  9. Hi again,
    The one presently downloadable from the wordpress site is the one I’m using (I only downloaded it the other day, and the site says the last update was 27th September last year – is there a more recent one than this?
    To add insult to injury, I’m not getting ANYTHING listed under my recent diggs now – and I haven’t changed a thing!
    I’m sure my site is cursed… 🙂

  10. W00t! Thanks for that! All working now (although I dont think it likes my theme very much, but thats easily fixed)

    One interesting thing to note however, is that it doesn’t work with Firefox 3beta4 (works in v2 ok) but more than likely thats a problem with firefox, not the plugin – just thought I’d let you know tho 🙂

    Thanks again! 😉

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