I have a bad feeling about this headline from yesterdays CNN:
Bush: Iran ‘won’t have a nuclear weapon’ Does anyone else smell war with Iran if Bush is re-elected? Great!
I also find this very interesting Top 50 Agenda Setters I haven’t heard of most of them, but the important ones being Steve Jobs (#2), bill Gates and Linus (tied at #7) . Very cool
Just like everyone else has been reporting. I too have been feeling constantly Tired. JonJon and Andrew have both been also saying that. I dunno who or where it started from, but I would guess I’m the link between those two, considering how much I hang out with both of them. 😛 lol.
If I don’t feel better by tomorrow afternoon I’m going to just stay home and sleep tomorrow night. Hopefully it’ll clear itself up soon. I don’t like being tired all the time.
Tomorrow I also get to work from home, but I have to be in from 10am to 3 pm for training. That’ll be hellish. Lots of caffine and shit I feel!
Tonight was good, except that I was really sleepy.
Not much else going on though. Laters all!