Go Now…

So last night was VERY VERY scary… I got online to talk to Andrew and he said that it hurt when he went pee. We talked for a while about what it could be.

Eventually we decided that he should go to the doctor tomorrow before we went to KC. By that time it was late and I was very upset because my baby was in pain, and it was just very scary. So I got off line to finish packing and cleaning my apartment for tomorrow.

I decided that I really didn’t want to do it right then, so I went and showered… And as he did, I cried while showering and shaving. And it really is hard to shave and cry at the same time, the tears just keep washing away the shaving cream.

About 9:30 or so I was done with all that, and started packing. That’s when Andrew called and he was crying and could hardly talk. He said that he was going to go first thing in the morning. But I told him that if he was in that much pain that he should go to the hospital that night. I offered to come down, because I really wanted to be with him through this. But he said no, and that he’d just get John to go with him.

So I spent the night laying on my couch, with my blanket worrying about Andrew and hoping that he was alright… He called me at practically every step of the way, which was nice. I was releived to hear from him each time.

I must have fallen asleep in there somewhere, because I don’t know what time the finally called to tell me what he had, but I was very happy to hear that it wasn’t anything super serious. And that he’ll be over it in a little while. Though it is still very sad that he’s got an infection.

I spent the rest of the night on my couch, and eventually feel asleep. I woke up early this morning and have been going ever since, just trying to keep myself busy.

I can’t wait to get to see him though, and give him a big hug.

This weekend will be very nice to just get to spend it together. I’m really really looking forward to it!

Last night was also very scary because of a lot of other things, but those were written about in a private update… Though I don’t really know why.

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