15:09:01 AcerSai: You there?
15:09:01 pischkoa: I’m currently in the office but I am busy. Talk to you laters.
15:10:03 AcerSai: GUess not…
15:13:56 AcerSai: Well at any rate I’d like to talk to you for at least a little bit.
15:14:13 AcerSai: If you want to talk to me, IM me or call me. I’d really appreciate it.
15:14:13 pischkoa: I’m currently in the office but I am busy. Talk to you laters.
15:14:20 AcerSai: If not I I’ll understand.
15:14:27 AcerSai: Or do my best to anyway.
16:10:01 AcerSai: Please respond so I know you don’t hate me…
16:10:01 pischkoa: I’m currently in the office but I am busy. Talk to you laters.
16:10:25 AcerSai: PLease…
16:12:10 AcerSai: I’m really scared right now Chris. I need to know you’re there. I need to know you care.