5 thoughts on “:: Porn Star ::”

  1. Don’t eat that microwave pasta by Ragu-do you know how many preservatives are in that? It’s baaaaaad!

    (don’t feed it to Adam anymore either)

  2. It wasn’t the Ragu stuff, although I do have some of that and it was NASTY, so I threw it away.

    It was some other shit, which I’m sure is just as bad for you, but it was still good….

    Perhaps you should hurry up and get that cook book finished so that I can actually get cooking ideas! lol

    BTW, did you get my XY, and on a different note, but still BTW, did you get the peanut pie recipie I sent you like forever ago.

    Anyway’s. This is turning into more of an update then anything, so yeah.

    The whole thing saturday wasn’t supposed to work out that way, We were supposed to get here, hope on the bus, go to Fisher, after that, to supper somewhere, and then back here for pie, but that TOTALY didn’t happen, and I was sad, cause the perfect evening that I had planned didn’t work out, and Adam didn’t seem all that thrilled about how it really turned out :cries:

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