So Adam’s not talking to me. Whatever, when he wants I’m sure he will. But it’s really annoying. There’s alot more too it, but I’d rather not play it out in the “public” sector as much as possible, so we’ll leave it at that.
Last night Nate from scouts IMed me. He found my website, because Everybuddy took the profile from one of my other SN’s and put it on the one that shouldn’t have had a link to my website.
But to make a long story short he IMed me and said “You’re GAY!… I was wondering when you’d come out.” It appears he’s good freinds with many gay people. Although he, isn’t gay. Which is cool. But anyways. It was a good talk last night. I guess he’s doing much better in school now that he’s in NE, so that’s good to hear.
I spent yesterday hanging out in my Apartment and waiting for Adam to get online, and decorating things. I put up my christmas lights in the kitchen, and I was thinking I’d put up pictures in my livingroom area, but never got around to it. I did get out the tape and the pictures, just didn’t get around to actually putting them up. Mostly because I was curled up on my couch crying, but that’s beside the point.
Class! Laters!