Nov 8, 2001

Nov 8, [Daddy’s Favourite, "I Feel Good Things For You"]

::bored:: So not much going on today. I went to work, we worked. We’ve

been working on the conference room which Nazanin has turned into to far

to much work then what it really is. Gwar at her for that. Oh well, it’s

getting done. I figured out that I can work alot more hours over T-day break,

so this paycheck should be like almost $600 or so. Yay for money. Cause

I need it. lol.

I worked on getting my site ready to skin and do some PHP work with it.

But I need some help from Julian. I think I have the PHP figured out, but

I want some way to have dynamic content on all the pages, maybe have the

content stored in mySQL or something, and have all the pages generated.

I don’t know for sure, so I’m going to look into it some more later.

Other then that not much going on. Adam’s staying at my house this weekend,

YAY! But he hasn’t been on yet tonight, 🙁

Lalalala, There’s alot of sirens outside tonight. Make them shut up.

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