Sept 27, #3 [Billy Gilman, "One Voice"]
So tonight I went to class and then after class I was meeting up with this
guy named Thao. I went down to where we were meeting and hung out there
for a while. A bit after 8 he showed up and we went off to Santa Fe. We
hung out there and talked for a while. It was really cool. I of course had
my normal Iced Hazelnut Latte. They made really good ones there. I liked
it. Then we went off to Lake Laverne and walked around and talked. He’s
pretty cool. Nothings ever going to happen between us, but he’s a cool person
to talk to and just hang out with. Yeah. Good times tonight. He wanted me
to go back to his place, but I was like, no, I have to go study, so that’s
what I’m going to do, laters all.
really funny