June 2, 2001

june 2 [fine young cannibals, "good thing"] ok well i’ve got an

hour or so here before supper so i thought i would tell yall what’s been up

in my life since i got here. well last night after i wrote that last update

i went to the ampitheater and worked there they were cutting railroad ties

for the steps, it’s not fun cutting those. i have five blisters on one hand

now and they hurt. then we went and worked in places once the rest of the

staff showed up. my tentie, grant, doesn’t have to move in tell the 8th so

i’ll have the tent to myself over the next week or so. it’s been going pretty

good so far. todays been pretty boring we’ve just been going over all the

rules around camp and been working on getting everyone certified. i had to

get recertified in CPR, that took 5 hours, my god that’s boring and the teacher

guy, he was crazy i swear. and that brings us up to now. it’s 5:11 now and

i have to be at the flags at 5:55 for flag retreat. ya know it’s been really

hard lately. i’m at scout camp, so ya know i can’t check out every guy that

walks past anymore, and it’s hard, there’s so alot of really cute guys on

staff. like the the lakefront director, he’s about 6′ 5" or so, and he’s

got this really boxy face, but he’s fucking ass hot. omg. yeah, i’ll try and

get pics of everyone before the summers over, but ya know i’m not the picture

taking kind and yeah, it would just be weird cause i don’t really know to

many people here. and plus i’m trying to kinda hide out cause i’ve been so

used to just like, saying, hey he’s cute and shit like that and now i’m here

and have to watch what i say really closely. you know what i’ve realiized

is that i always go through more then one song while i’m writing these, but

i don’t really notice it when they change. i’ve gone through three just writing

this one. yep. it’s funny. but ok, so i have to watch what i say, and i’m

affraid that i’ll slip and say something really loud and like, yeah that wouldn’t

be good. i’ve also been thinking that i’ll go ahead and send that letter like

soon, instead of waiting. cause since she knows already. might just as well

as make it official. and plus i don’t think i’ll be able to stay the whole

summer up here. i really don’t think i’ll be able to handle it.

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