april 30, #5. grrr, i really hate when they intrupt tv shows to say, oh we
have a thunderstorm, it’s just a damn thunderstorm, who cares, it’s not going
to kill anyone, if there’s a tornado or something, then you can inturupt,
but around here they intruupt if it’s just raining. on a different topic my
aunt sent me this: "That black and white thing gets
to my old eys after a couple days. A rather odd choice for someone who’s life
is not so black and white????" ya know i’d never really thought
about it that way. hmm, maybe i’ll have to think of a different color choice.
we’ll wait tell school out though before i change anything again, well maybe,
lol. i like suckers. tootsie pops are really good. i bought two packages of
them, and i only got two orange ones though, that’s sad, i really like the
orange ones. there was something else when i started writing this, but i’m
not remembering it now. oh well.