pril 18, so last night was pretty great. yeah it was. danny called. i was
temped not to answer it cause he called at like 11, and i was like, who in
the hell would that be, and i was already in bed. but yeah. i answered and
i’m glad i did, it was so nice hearing his voice again. we talked tell like
1:30 or so and then we got cut off, i was going to call him back, but i was
like, i don’t want to take the chance of waking up his pu’s and such, so i
didn’t i feel asleep with the phone in my hand. lol. but it was soooo soooo
great hearing his voice again. god i missed him so much. i just wanna fucking
drive out there and see him so badly. so i’m talking to this guynamed travis,
i thought he would be like really stuck up and shit, he’s really cute,
but you, know he’s like mr. jock boy. but he’s actually really cool. ok _really
really_ cool. ok, so change of ideas, he’s a little slow in the head. my handle
for MSN is "that gay boi" and yeah, i actually had to tell him that
i was gay, i think it’s pretty clear that i was gay, just by looking at my
handle, don’t you think? lol. but yeah, he seems really pretty cool. i was
actually expecting him to do what j did, and j to do what he’s doing, which
is being freindly about it, even if he doesn’t accept it or what ever, cause
he doens’t know who i am. here’s the text
from our first convo. on to other things, vero’s the
boy is a boy scout, i find that amusing, no offense, but that’s pretty
cool. yeah, i dunn where i was going with that, but ok. ok i’m going now before
i make even less sense.