I messed up by moving onto a boat and don’t know what to do.

Cross post from Reddit… https://www.reddit.com/r/AskGaybrosOver30/comments/1h9hce4/i_messed_up_by_moving_onto_a_boat_and_dont_know/

I’ve been dreaming of living on a sailboat for years (10+ that I can remember), during COVID I finally took the plunge and learned how too sail. I did a 2 charters a year since then loved it (French Polynesia, USVI, BVI, San Diego/Catalina Island). I chartered a boat in SF bay at least once a month to gain experience.

Over the past year, my partner and I broke up. I got laid off from my job. I took a sailing class and there was this guy that was 78 and told us how he’d dreamt his whole life about living on a boat and sailing around, but life always got in the way and now he’s too old to do it.

I said “f&$* it, let’s go”. I could financially afford to not work for a year, I could afford a boat. I was going to take this year and sail The Bahamas, figure out what’s next for a job (I was burnt out anyway), see if I actually enjoyed this life instead of just spending ever day dreaming about it.

Everyone said the first year is the hardest. But honestly it’s been 3 months since moved aboard and I’m done. I just sit here every day wanting to go back home to San Francisco. I sit here and cry because I’m so lonely. The daily stresses are too much for me to handle alone right now.

I just want to go out to a nice restaurant. I want to spend a night out with my friends. I want to go see a movie. I want to go back to the gym. I want to be able to go to a grocery store whenever I want and not have to plan it out a week in advance.

I try and post happy stories on instagram and stuff and everyone is replying saying stuff like “omg, what an amazing life” or “you’re living the dream”. But, I never wanted to do this alone, I always said that I wanted to do this with a partner. And I feel like if I HAD someone here with me, it would be totally different experience.

It’s a nightmare for me. I hate being here, I hate being alone. I feel like a failure. But I don’t know what will actually make me happy any more. I question all my decisions and I don’t know what I should do next. I don’t know if going back to SF is the right decision, I don’t know if I should keep the boat or sell it.

I just feel so lost in life right now and not sure how to proceed with things.

Lifetime of Tears

I feel like over the past year, all the emotions, all the tears, all the fear that I’ve been holding in for a lifetime is coming out. Something pops in my head and tears will start coming out. I’ll be sitting here watching a random TV show and I’ll start tearing up over something.

It’s been 16 days since I got to The Bahamas and I just want to go home. I want to go back to my childhood and the smells of grandma and grandpa’s house, ranger cookies baking fresh, laundry hanging outside. I want to go back to a big family Christmas at my parents house with GG and all the extended aunts and uncles. I want to go back to those days of Christmas at GG’s house in Lenox. Where Rebecca and I would always get in trouble for something stupid or hide out on the enclosed porch. I just want to stuff my face with all the chocolates, pies, mashed potatoes, creamed corn and all the other delicious sides that grandma used to make.

I want to be back in Walnut Creek, planning a big Christmas with Charles and his family. I want to be putting up a Christmas tree with someone I love. I want to go back to the days of having him come home and making dinner, or just cuddling on the couch. Going to the gym together.

I don’t know what I’m doing here, I don’t know what I’m going to do with my life. What impact am I making in this world at all. Am I even capable of making an impact? I feel like I am not that social bird. I just want to have my husband, a family. But is that?

I question my decisions, did I fuck up making this move. Did I fuck up and am I making the right decisions. Did I fuck up with Charles, Kellie, other randoms I’ve been on dates with. Am I ever going to be able to find that love again that I had. The bigger question, am I going to be able to GIVE that love again. I just feel like right now, I cannot give love. I just cannot emotionally go through another break up. I cannot emotionally handle loving someone and then losing that again.

I’m really pissed with work. But it doesn’t even matter any more. My boss has been really on me about stupid fucking shit. Like we hired a new guy, he starts this coming Monday. It’s HR’s job to request account setup, etc. He messages me the other day and asks “When is NEW GUY’s account going to be ready”. I reply and tell him that HR has to submit the request and they will get the confirmation. He replies with “Can you find out”. WTF why do _I_ need to find out? Fucking ask HR.

Then he sends me a message last night at 6:30pm. I didn’t see it, I was busy making dinner then I fell asleep. He messages again an our later “No thoughts, Chris?” WTF. Chill the fuck out

This week is also the Christmas company party. I’ve been with this company for 7 fucking years and they didn’t even BOTHER to invite me. WTF. I’m still a fucking employee.

Also the VP of OPs is basically making my life hell. He just excludes me from everything.

Then I’m freaking out over Trump and what he is going to do to our economy. I’m worried that if he crashes our economy no one is going to be able to pay rent, which means I won’t have any income which means I won’t be able to afford this fucking boat. I still cannot believe all these fucking stupid fuck Americans voted for this fucker and think that he’s going to make life better. How the fuck do they think anything he represents is what America should represent. How do they think that the ideas and policies (or lack thereof) are going to make America a better place to live.

I just want someone here to cuddle me and comfort me. Tell me it’s going to be OK. I’m coming up on 43 and I’m more lost then ever.

I’ve been chatting this guy up that lives in the Philippines. He’s super hot, really nice, but why am I even talking to him? I doubt I will ever even meet him. I doubt that anything will ever come from it. and he’s turning into another Kellie. Calling me constantly, wanting to be on the phone all the time, being overly clingy.

Lonely but Beautiful

That’s what I tell everyone right now when they ask “How is The Bahamas?”… It’s lonely, but beautiful.

I’ve learned that this lifestyle, at least alone, is not for me. Being alone all day, not having anyone to hang out with, talk too, etc. It’s not what I want. In fact, I never WANTED to do this alone, I’ve said that a million times before. But I did it this year cause I felt it was time to just go.

I arrived in Bimini just over a week ago. Spent a while there while waiting for the weather to change… Was at this nice anchorage called “Gun Cay”. The water was crystal clear, there were sharks and rays. I saw a grouper and lots of other little fish. Did some snorkeling every day, walked astra on the beach. There was this lighthouse that I wanted to hike too but never did figure out HOW to get there.

On Friday the forecast said that I should have some light winds that I could at least sail in. So we decided to leave.. Ended up never getting those winds and just motored the whole way to Great Harbor (Berry Islands). It was 17 hours straight of motoring, long boring, flat waters. The waters were again, crystal clear and beautiful. But on that long trip, I just was constantly worried about stuff. Like “what’s that sound, is the engine OK” or constantly looking at the charts and wondering, “can I cut early and get some wind. But there’s these rocks it says, how deep are the rocks”. Just stuff like that.

Spent most of the time reading books and watching movies I had downloaded. Got to the anchorage about 1am. Set the anchor which went much smoother then I expected. Every time I have to set anchor I am still so nervous about it. AM I getting to close to shore, am I getting too close to other boats, is there enough room to swing around, is the water too shallow, will the anchor hold. About 30 minutes before we get here, I can feel my adrenaline kick in, my heart starts beating hard. Hopefully it will get easier. It also doesn’t help that my low water alarm goes off constantly at like 5′. I found out that I can get down to about 3′ before I really need to worry.

I’m going to be stuck here in Great Harbor for a while. I’m debating how long to stay. I need to get to Nassau by Christmas to pick up my parents. As I sit here writing this, there’s a big black cloud on the horizon and I’m debating if it’ll be safe to take astra to shore for her potty or is this rain going to move in and strand us. There’s just so many little things like that that are nerve wracking on this trip. So many variables I always need to be conscious of. The wind, the rain, the waves, am I on the lee side of the island, am I in the right spot, etc etc.

I met this family the other day. It was refreshing to hear some of their story. They too were just starting this journey. Had just moved on board, were still learning and figuring things out. They had left Miami and it took them 18hours to get to Bimini. They were on the way to George Town.

I wish that I had a partner here to help take off some of those worries, to help think about things like the weather. So that all the pressure wasn’t on me all the time. To help bow watch while I drive. To go snorkeling with so that I feel safer in the water.

But this is a good way for me to build my confidence, to re-learn to trust myself and my decisions in life.

Thanksgiving was sad. Again, all alone. Kellie and Charles both chatted with me that day which was nice. Lots of other friends texted but few called. Maybe I need to start being more aggressive and just call people and talk to them. I’ve also resigned the idea that Charles will ever come visit the boat. There’s just no way it’s going to happen.

And of course, couldn’t get away from a post without a talk of boys. I’ve been chatting/video calling this guy in the Philippines for a few weeks now. We talk every day, video call and chit-chat. He’s fucking sexy AF and has 40k+ followers on instagram. I don’t get why he’s talking to me. But whatever. Just enjoying the moment.

Ok. I have to go walk astra, she’s starting to be bitchy. lol.

I’ve arrived in Bimini

I’ve arrived in Bimini. The passage over was actually really nice. Waves weren’t too bad, winds were perfect. Sailed the whole way here which was amazing.

Got here and went to go check in. Took the dinghy the 1.5 miles to where I needed to go. Got there and it died on me again…

Went and checked in, which was super easy and I got my 90 day visa.

Came back to dinghy and it wouldn’t start. So I asked the dock if they knew anyone that could come fix it. they called some guy and he said he’d been here in 30 minutes. Well I wanted over an hour and no fucking show. Was super annoyed. I wanted to get here, check in and then take astra for a walk along the city, get a nice dinner, have a drink. Relax! But no, fucking dinghy had to cause problems.

So I got it working well enough that I could get back to then boat. I’ve now spent ALL FUCKING day today working on the damn thing. Replaced the carb, replaced the spark plugs, broke the pull string so had to fix that which was another disaster. I’m just so fucking over shit not working right. I know boat life is just “always doing projects” but fuck this. I want a dinghy that WORKS CORRECTLY. I have to rely on it to get to and from shore. It’s my daily commuter car.

Just so frustrated. I just want to have fun.. I want to enjoy this time here instead now I’m stressing over the damn dinghy. And I feel bad for astra cause she wants to go ashore, as do I.

In other news, a fucking speed boat went past me as I was putting dishes away, causing ALL MY FUCKING pottery bowls that I made with kellie to fall out of the cabinet and break everywhere. Fucking pissed about the as well.

Then Charles, I’m annoyed that he doesn’t pick up the phone and just say “hey, how are you” or text me or anything like that. Like we’re supposed to be friends, you’re supposed to care about me, But not a peep

I just feel isolated. I want to just go home to my friends. I want to cuddle with someone for the night. I want to have someone here to share this experience with. I want someone to help make those hard decisions. Someone to bounce ideas off.

What the fuck am I doing here.

TRUMP again?!

Fuck this country. Voted for fucking TRUMP again. I cannot believe this. I was hoping to be posting an exciting post bout how Kamala won and we’re all excited for the future. But now I’m just going to spend the next 4 years stressed out.

I’m pissed at Biden/Garland for failing to prosecute Trump when they could. That fat fuck should be in Jail right now for all the shit he’s done.

I just cannot fathom how anyone can be supportive of these people.

Sailing life has been hard… I’m missing home. I’m missing going out with friends. I’m missing Charles.

He and I talked the other day and he’s off dating someone new again. He says he thinks he’s ready now. This guy is POZ and he was telling me about how his viral load spiked recently. In the three years we were together, do you think he ever asked me about my viral load or we discussed my doctor appts. But here he is apparently learnt his lesson.

I’m tired of being a lesson for these guys. I want a guy who’s going to grow together with me. Not grow FROM me.

But I question maybe I am too much of the problem. Charles said once in anger that I am the one who always “started” the fights. Probably true, they started because I pushed for what I wanted out of him. But maybe I just need to work on accepting him/them for themselves.

Same with Kellie. The whole notes thing, his new job, etc. Maybe I pushed him too much and should have just accepted him doing notes all the time. Maybe I should have just accepted him not being out.

But those are things (same with Charles and working at Chipotle)… I don’t want a husband/bf who’s CONSTANTLy tied to his job. Who can’t spend quality time with me at home…

Speaking of. It’s very frustrating also hearing about Charles traveling so much now that he is not managing at work and he’s in school… I wish he had got into school then first go around. Maybe that would have changed things and made it better. Who knows. His work and constantly inability to go anywhere was another huge problem in our relationships.

Anyway, sailing life. It’s tough. I am scared of being lonely all the time. I am scared of missing out on things back home. I am sad that I can’t just go to powerhouse whenever I want. I am sad that I cannot just go get Thai food or whatever anywhere. I am sad that I can’t just hang out with friends randomly.

I feel like I am already missing out on so much and is this worth it. Is this journey worth missing those other things. This is goin to be an amazing experience. (I hope) this is going to teach me so much. This is going to increase my confidence (I HOPE)!

I have this guy Kyle sailing with me right now and he was telling me about this friend he had that did the same thing. He only lasted 5 months alone in the bahamas. I hope I can last longer.

I wish I had someone that loved me here. But it is what it is. I have astra.

Good luck to me, good luck to America.