People and things and classes…

La la. I’m procrastinating yet again. I really should get to work on this paper, but I’m relaly not in the mood to. I hate this subject that she gave us for it. It’s not anywhere near a “reasearch” paper, it’s more of an opinion paper then it is anything. Rarr at that. Oh well.

I went to class this morning we learned about falicies. It was boring. We had a HW assingment to do. I did most of it in class with the guy sitting next to me. I also have to read some speach that Richard Nixon did. That should be amusing, cause well. Everyone knows that Nixon is cool.

There’s a semi-hot guy visiting the roomie.

I’m hanging out with Adam tonight. He can’t go out, so we’re going to watch movies at his house. I also want to spend some time talking to him about things. I was up all night thinking about things. But I bet I won’t get the chance to talk to him. I always have an idea to talk to him. But I never actually get around to it. We always get busy with something else. Or the chance never comes up. Sometimes I don’t want to bring the things up cause I’m affraid of what might result from them. I don’t think anything bad will happen. But I just feel that maybe these things will work themselves out and eventually everything will be ok. But I don’t really know if that’ll work out. We’ll see.

I’m going to skip my last class today and work on the English paper once the roomie leaves. I can’t get anything done in here with him babbling and playing annoying games. I should be home about 4ish and then I’ll head over to Ankeny about 5ish. I have to go to the Doc cause my perm retainer is annoying me. Rarr. See I have this metal wire behind my teeth to keep them str8 well my wisdom teeth are coming in and the other day I was eating pizza and the bottom one snaped off on one side, so now it’s just losely hanging in there and when ever I eat, it moves and jabs me in the tounge and such. It hurts. ::cries::

Well that worked, he (the roomie) just left.

Hot Boys

[Marcy Playground, “Sex And Candy”]

Here’s some candy. I need some candy. And some sex. lol.

My roomie is moving out next semester. It’s final. I hope my next roomie is either A) Cute, B) Nice C) Gay or D) one or more of the above. That’d be sweet action there. lol. I’m going to re-arrange my room then over Christmas break. Maybe I’ll drag some other people up here to help me out with it, so that way it’ll be cool. And the new roomie won’t have much of a say in it. So there. 😛

I need more time to spend on I wish I had as much time as Adam does. But I don’t. Fucking college gets in the way of that. Damnit.

Niel’s gone crazy. Head on over to CometB. If you’ve got a Comet account and see if you can log into it. It’s pretty nice. But I still like mine better. No offence to Niel.

Welcome back

[Seal, “Prayer For The Dying”]

Ok, Greymatter had really fucked something up. But me being the genious that I am fixed it. Yep, it was that one of the files that stores the information for rebuilding the files was corrupt, so I had to manually re-enter all that information. So it’s good now and everything works, which is cool. Greymatter loves me again.

I’m thinking about disabling comments though cause that’s what it was that fucked up that file. We’ll see if it happens agian.

Adam and I talked about things tonight. Things are semi-good. He said that I could come to the dance if i wanted to, but I don’t really know if I want to. Now I feel like I’ve invited myself. And I don’t want to do that. Grrr. It’s all very confusing and bad. Why can’t relationships just work out the way they are supposed to. We still have alot to fix though in our relationship. It’s not that we don’t love each other, we do. It’s that he doesn’t want to take the risk of having what happened in our relationship to happen again. He “doesn’t want to lose me.” He “likes my freindship better then my relationship.” But I think that with what’s going on in between us we need to be in a relationship, otherwise our freindship is going to go through alot more then what it should have too. Example, lately we’ve been aruging about alot of small little things, like this dance thing, and there was something else the other day. I can’t remember what it was now, but yeah. I think there’d be less tension between us if we were in a relationship, and we’d have a better chance of growing closer. Sure our breakup brought us closer, but there’s only so close that freinds can become, there’s that point that friendships have to be turned into relationships, and we’re way past that point in my mind.

I went to math. The test sucked ass. There were a few things that were on the test that he didn’t even cover in class and they weren’t in the covered in recite, so I was like “This wasn’t covered in class or in recite, therefore it is an unfair question. I have answered it with the best of my knowledge.” The ass hole. I can’t wait tell I’m done with math, after this class I only have one more math class that I have to do.

Ok, wacko happenings here. Some random people just came in, offered us cookies and also took out our trash for it. Crazyness I tell you.

That’s all for today. I think three updates is more then enough.

Disappearing Entries

[Eddie Izzard, “Glorious”]

I had a big ass post written at work. I know I pushed the post button before I left. But it doesn’t appear to have posted. So that sucks. Hopefully no one will fuck with my computers over the weekend and I’ll post it on Monday. I babbled about alot of stuff that was on my mind there. Oh well. We’ll see what happens.

Other then that not much really going on here. I have a Math test at 7 tonight. So I have to go study for that here soon. I figure I’ll start about 4, that’ll give me two hours to study, cause I have a class at 6 that I have to go to. Grrr to teachers that schedule tests during my class time. The fucker should die. I’ve complained at him every time, and he’s like. Well you’ll just have to miss that class, and I’m like, well classes come above tests. Well at least in my book. You shouldn’t have to miss one class for another classes test, just because the prof refuses to give a makeup test. Asshole.

I also need to get my paper done this week/end. I dunno. I’ll work on it some this weekend. But I know I won’t actually get much of it done. We’ll see what happens.

I didn’t get to see Adam at all yesterday and that made me really sad. :'( Hopefully I’ll get to talk to him tonight. After my test.

La la. Work

La la. I’m at work again. Today’s going to be a long day here. I’m supposed to be working on this thing for the Conference room, which I really don’t want to be doing. But oh well. It has to be done.

I never did get to see/talk to Adam yesterday. I really want to. I’m missing him, and I want to talk to him about somethings. I hope he’s on tonight so that I can talk to him.

I have a math test tonight at 7, that’s not going to be fun. Especially since I haven’t even opened the book yet for this chapter. Grrr at math class.

I figured out my schedule for January. I should be able to make about $1,000. Yay for money.

La la. Not going to do this yet. Yesterday there was a sweet ass storm thing. It was so cool. I like thunderstorms. Incase I hadn’t told anyone that yet. I really do.

Nazanin just came in a babbled at me about something that I really don’t care about. So now you all get to hear about it. Yesterday during that storm, we had a power surge here…. I was inturupted, it’s now an hour and half after I started writing that and I forgot what I was writing about. So now I’m out. Laters….