Another blow up.

This time, I think it’s the last. We both admitted we are unhappy. He slept on the couch. He left for work without saying goodbye. I texted him and just like always, he ignored it.

That’s the thing, that’s the problem is his ignoring me. Constantly. What started this one? I was talking to him yesterday morning we were on the couch, having a great morning. Cuddling. He got a text message and instantly he picked up his phone and started ignoring me. I just stopped talking, he didn’t say anything, he didn’t go back to the conversation, he didn’t do anything.

It just pisses me the fuck of that I talk to him I try to tell him about stuff and he doesn’t listen or care At all.

I’m still resentful AF about my birthday and I don’t know how to get over it. Eric’s birthday is coming up next weekend. He’s gone out of his way to make sure he gets he day off. He’s gone out of his way to get him a present. He wasn’t able to do ANY of that for me. Last night he said “Well you didn’t plan anything that would make me remember it”. WTF does that mean!? I had told him to take the day off, I told him I wanted to go for a hike that morning. But nothing mattered to him. He worked.

I just can’t do this any more but I’m also scared of losing him. He does love me, I think. I love cuddling with him, I love hanging out with him. But he just doesn’t TREAT me with the way that he does other people.

We went out with his friends yesterday he was engaging, charming, chatty. He was asking them questions bout stuff. He doesn’t do that for me. I tell him something and he just is like “ok”. Maybe I am just BORInG to him. But then why be here?

I think it’s done. What am I doing to do now?

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