may 7. only 4 more days left. 4 more fucknig days. i can’t wait to get out
of here. i have a final tonight, i have to go finish typing my notes for that
class so that i can remember things, lol. it’s accounting which shouldn’t
be all that hard, but i want to get a good grade on this test i got a high
C on the last one and if i get at least an B on this one i should be able
to get a high B for the class. I’m kinda worried about my grades for this
semester though. cause i mean i think i’m going to get mostly B’s. eww. ya
know that’s raelly funny that now that i’m in college i’m caring about my
grades. in hs i was just like, who gives a shit. i get what i get. i never
did any of my assingments tell llike the hour before, ahh, yeah good times.
doing hw in first hour programming, that was so funny. the roomie didn’t come
back to bed this morning tell 6 am. he was going to bed when i got up. we
also have all the lofts out of here now. the room loooks really different
now. last night the roomie moved his out, that was ammusing. it was like watching
a cub scout move out of a tent at the end of a week long camp. you just take
everything and throw it out of the tent and then clean it up and orginize
it. it’s really ammusing, you should all see it sometime. lol. my hair’s not
spiking right today, i’m sad. damn hair.